The Data: Climate change

Here are the most relevant, believable and sourced facts that argue that climate change is, indeed, an incoming asteroid. Please link your fact to its source.

The Data: Entitlement spending

Here are the most relevant, believable and sourced facts that argue that entitlement spending is, indeed, an incoming asteroid. Please link your fact to its source.

The Data: Family breakdown

Here are the most relevant, believable and sourced facts that argue that the decreasing number of Americans living in stable families is, indeed, an incoming asteroid. Please link your fact to its source.

The Data: Rising inequality

Here are the most relevant, believable and sourced facts that argue that rising inequality is, indeed, an incoming asteroid. Please link your fact to its source.

Reading: Entitlement Spending

Help us add to our library by using the comment thread to suggest quality reading on entitlement spending. Keep in mind that you are looking for sources that people who don’t believe entitlement spending is a future risk might find convincing in moving them toward seeing the asteroid. Be sure to also assess the credibility of your source through the lens of someone less likely to agree with you (to convince a liberal, you might want to avoid citing Ann Coulter or Fox News). Emotional and intuitive arguments can be very effective, but evaluate them critically first – anything that demonizes or belittles those who resist the notion that entitlement spending has to be reformed will only serve to cement their resistance.

Reading: Climate change

Here’s some of the best reading you’ll find on climate change. Help us add to our library by using the comment thread to suggest additional quality reading. Keep in mind that you are looking for sources that people skeptical of climate change might find convincing in moving them toward seeing the asteroid. Be sure to also assess the credibility of your source through the lens of someone less likely to agree with you (to convince a conservative, you might want to avoid citing Michael Moore or The Nation). Emotional and intuitive arguments can be very effective, but evaluate them critically first – anything that demonizes or belittles those who don’t believe in manmade climate change will only serve to cement their inability to ever do so.