Restatement of contract: What it is and why it matters

When parties enter into a contract, they usually do so with the intention of setting out the terms upon which they are willing to do business. However, over time, circumstances may change, leading one or both parties to seek modifications or clarifications to the original agreement. This is where the restatement of contract comes in.

What is a restatement of contract?

A restatement of contract is a document that sets out the revised terms of an existing contract. It can be used to clarify confusing language, add additional terms, or alter existing provisions. Essentially, it is a way for parties to update their agreement without having to draft an entirely new one.

Why is it important?

Restatements of contracts are important for a number of reasons. First and foremost, they can help to ensure that both parties are on the same page when it comes to the terms of their agreement. If there is any confusion or ambiguity in the original contract, a restatement can help to clear it up.

Additionally, a restatement of contract can be useful if there have been changes in circumstances that were not anticipated when the original contract was drafted. For example, if one party`s financial situation has changed significantly, they may seek to renegotiate the payment terms in order to better align with their current needs.

Finally, a restatement of contract can help to avoid disputes or litigation down the line. By updating the terms of the agreement and ensuring that both parties are in agreement, restated contracts can help to prevent misunderstandings or disagreements in the future.

How is a restatement of contract executed?

Restatements of contract can take a number of different forms, depending on the needs of the parties involved. In some cases, parties may choose to draft an entirely new agreement that supersedes the original contract. In other cases, a simple amendment or addendum may be sufficient to effect the necessary changes.

Regardless of the format, however, it is important to ensure that any restatement of contract is executed in accordance with the terms of the original agreement. This may involve obtaining signatures from both parties, or adhering to specific notice or delivery requirements.


Restatements of contracts are a valuable tool for businesses seeking to modify or clarify the terms of their agreements. Whether used to update outdated provisions, address changing circumstances, or prevent future disputes, restated contracts can help to ensure that both parties are on the same page and that their interests are protected.